Valerie Baadh Garrett is a mover helping others to move with ease.

Via books, articles, personal consultations, and live workshops around the world, Valerie has guided individuals, schools, and communities in discovering new, healthy ways to be at home in their own bodies and in their social and professional relationships.

Recently Valerie mentored a school expanding their PE program and aided both an active senior seeking help with fall prevention and a mother-to-be anticipating childbirth. She coached a professional with his workplace presence, and worked with an early childhood faculty group to develop a sensory program for their school. Valerie is an experienced presence for parents of special needs children and individuals seeking assistance via movement paths to wellness after trauma and other life challenges.

Valerie is a registered movement therapist and teacher trainer in the movement field of Spacial Dynamics®. Since 2020 she’s managed a team to develop Breaking Barriers, an autism hiring program for employers in California, co-authored Waldorf Games Handbook, and presented an online workshop, Autism Moves, for ISMETA.

Valerie demonstrates movements using a wooden rod.

Valerie demonstrates movements using a wooden rod.